Those Catholic Shrinks Podcast: Episode #6

5 Red Flags of Unhealthy Relationships


Have you ever wondered how to know if a relationship is healthy or unhealthy? Have you ever thought a friendship or romantic relationship seems “off” and you had or have a difficult time figuring out why that is? Have you ever felt uneasy about a relationship dynamic but wasn’t sure what to do about it?

In this podacst, Regina and Lisa discuss 5 subtle, relationship red flags that are often easy to miss. Here’s a little preview…

1. Energy Zapping

Is the person a constant drain on your energy?

2. You Walk Away Questioning Your Sanity

Do you find that you’re constantly questioning yourself? Do you feel confused about what is true and what is not based on a disagreement? Do you second guess yourself?

3. Friends or Family Notice

Do other friends or family members speak to you about this individual? Do other people in  your life, whom you trust, also notice that something is off?

4. You Feel Controlled by the Other Person

Do you often not get to share your opinion? Is the other person the one who usually determines which restaurant to go to, which movie to see, etc., and why?

5. Lack of Peace in Your Heart: Unrest

A stirring…

A disquiet tugs at your heart. You know something is not quite right, but you’re not sure what to do about it.

The first step is to… Trust Yourself!

If you notice that one of your relationships has these characteristics, you could be in an unhealthy relationship.

Whether it’s with a friend, family member, or romantic relationship, these are 5 warning flags which can signal that it’s time for a change.

Listen to learn more about not only how to recognize red flags, but also how to end a relationship once you’ve determined it’s unhealthy.

Check out the podcast now! (Click on line 26 in iTunes)


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Those Catholic Shrinks Podcast: Episode #3