Those Catholic Shrinks Podcast Episode #29

The Celtic Charm


Happy St. Patrick’s Day! We have another podcast episode for you fresh off the presses. The latest conversation talks all things luck, control, and providence.

Regina and Lisa spend some time defining terms and sharing about the history of St. Patrick. Best of all, they weave in elements about control and how a sense of control (or lack thereof) can impact not only our mental health, but also our interpretation of any situation.

In psychology, the term Locus of Control refers to the extent to which people feel they have control over events that influence their life. The two different types of locus of control discussed in this episode are Internal Locus of Control and External Locus of Control.

External locus of control

Someone with an external locus of control believes they are not in control of a particular situation. They have a tendency to view things as happening to them. They can often perceive that there is little they can do to influence the world around them and that they are powerless much of the time.

You might hear someone with an external locus of control say, “It just happened! What was I supposed to do?!?”

Internal locus of control

Someone with an internal locus of control has a strong sense of control. They believe they do have the ability to influence a situation (for better or for worse). Even when times get tough, a person with an internal locus of control believes that they have the power and ability to do something to hopefully produce more positive outcomes or results.

A person with this sense of control is more likely to make an attempt to change a situation rather than someone who has an external locus of control.

You might hear someone with an internal locus of control say, “What are our options? What can we do now?”

There’s more within the podcast, that you’ll want to hear!

Listen in to the fun. Hear about the history of St. Patrick and how the idea of luck ties into your mental health.

You can find the episode on Apple Podcasts and Soundcloud.


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